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Türk Lirası $ US Dollar

List Products

With this API command, "listing products" operation is provided.
URL < API URL >products
Content-Type application/json

Name Mandatory Description
key Yes The API key information you obtained

Sample Request

"key":"<API KEY>",

Sample Output
"status": "successful",
"data": [
"type": "host",
"type_id": "0",
"id": "15",
"category_name": "Cheap SSD Hosting",
"category_id": 164,
"stock": 1,
"name": "CHEAP SSD 1",
"features": " 100 MB Disk Space\n2 GB Monthly Traffic\n1 Site Hosting \n5 E-Mail\n2 MySQL\n10 FTP Accounts\nLinux - cPanel\nLiteSpeed ​​- Cloudlinux\nInstant Installation\n20% Cpu",
"disk_limit": "2048",
"bandwidth_limit": "10240",
"email_limit": "5",
"database_limit": "5",
"subdomain_limit": "3",
"ftp_limit": "unlimited",
"max_email_per_hour": "60",
"cpu_limit": "%20",
"server_features": [
"price": [
"id": "52",
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"currency": "USD",
"format": "$5"
"id": "54",
"amount": "10.0000",
"currency": "USD",
"format": "$10"
"id": "1174",
"amount": "12.0000",
"currency": "USD",
"format": "$12"
"id": "1175",
"amount": "14.0000",
"currency": "USD",
"format": "$14"
"type": "server",
"type_id": "0",
"id": "28",
"category_name": "Germany Location (Dedicated Servers)",
"category_id": 26,
"stock": 20,
"name": "DE DED 1",
"features": "Intel Core i7-920\n24GB\n2 x 750GB\n1Gbps*",
"popular": false,
"processor": "Intel Core i7-920",
"ram": "24GB",
"disk_space": "2 x 750 GB",
"bandwidth": "1Gbps",
"location": "Germany",
"price": [
"id": "71",
"amount": "52.0000",
"currency": "EUR",
"format": "€52"
"type": "server",
"type_id": "0",
"id": "29",
"category_name": "Germany Location (Dedicated Servers)",
"category_id": 26,
"stock": 36,
"name": "DE DED 2",
"features": "Intel Core i7-920\n8GB\n2 x 750GB\n1Gbps",
"popular": false,
"processor": "Intel Core i7-920",
"ram": "8GB",
"disk_space": "2 x 750 GB",
"bandwidth": "1Gbps",
"location": "Germany",
"price": [
"id": "72",
"amount": "52.0000",
"currency": "EUR",
"format": "€52"
"type": "server",
"type_id": "0",
"id": "27",
"category_name": "Starter Level Servers",
"category_id": 171,
"stock": 25,
"name": "DE DED 3",
"features": "Intel C2750 2.40GHz\n16GB RAM\n1 x 250GB SSD\n1Gbps / 250Mbps",
"popular": false,
"processor": "Intel C2750 2.40GHz",
"ram": "16GB",
"disk_space": "1 x 250GB SSD",
"bandwidth": "1Gbps / 200Mbps",
"location": "Germnay",
"price": [
"id": "70",
"amount": "45.0000",
"currency": "EUR",
"format": "€45"
"id": "140",
"amount": "135.0000",
"currency": "EUR",
"format": "€135"
"id": "141",
"amount": "270.0000",
"currency": "EUR",
"format": "€270"
"id": "142",
"amount": "486.0000",
"currency": "EUR",
"format": "€486"
"type": "software",
"type_id": 0,
"id": "21",
"category_name": "Company Script",
"category_id": 206,
"stock": 0,
"name": "Example a Script",
"popular": true,
"price": [
"id": "245",
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"format": "$5.99"
"id": "1153",
"amount": "10.0000",
"currency": "USD",
"format": "$10"
"id": "1154",
"amount": "99.0000",
"currency": "USD",
"format": "$99"
"type": "software",
"type_id": 0,
"id": "64",
"category_name": "Real Estate Scripts",
"category_id": 233,
"stock": 0,
"name": "Sample Real Estate Script",
"popular": true,
"price": [
"id": "1115",
"amount": "8,000",
"currency": "USD",
"format": "$8"
"id": "1160",
"amount": "10.0000",
"currency": "USD",
"format": "$10"
"id": "1166",
"amount": "125.0000",

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